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Manifest your reality with forbes riley

Forbes Riley is an author, award-winning television personality, entrepreneur, creator of the SpinGym fitness sensation, and one of the most sought-after female keynote speakers. As a motivator and role model, Forbes has a unique connection with her audience that stems from her own personal journey. Crowned by the press as the $2 Billion Dollar Host, she was determined to reach her goals — and through dedication, never-ending passion, and hard work, she has.

In this episode we speak about:

  • How to manifest your dreams
  • Secrets to self-love
  • How to stop self-sabotaging

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About your host: Candice Mama’s is one of Vogue Magazine’s top 33 most inspiring women in the world alongside Nicole Kidman, Michelle Obama, Malala. She was named in the Top 20 African Women by the African Union and United Nations.